
Distribution and responsibilities within the BrainStore partner network


Partners: all partners
Network Champ(s): One or more partners who are in charge of the current network cycle
Champs for network initiatives: partners who are currently in charge for the now-initiatives on the network roadmap
Store owners: all partners who own a store
Granting partners: experienced partners who can grant partnerships



Network Champs

Champs for network initiatives

Store Owners

Granting Partners

Amendment of Network Purpose, BrainStore Purpose and Code of Conduct and Agreements

Provide resources**, inputs, feedback and approve*

Facilitate the process

Find Network champs, approve network roadmap and network Cycle Briefings

Provide resources**, inputs, feedback and approve*

Write the briefing, update the roadmap, manage the cycle board, get it done

Network initiative roadmaps and cycle briefings

Approve initiatives which are longer than one network cycles

Collect inputs and feedback, distribute resources and approve

Write the briefing, update the roadmap, get it done

Approve new partners

Partners can veto* new partners

Every granting partner can accept new partners and sign partner agreements

Approve new Granting Partners

Partners can veto* new granting partners

Network champs and existing granting partners grant granting partners

Network champs and existing granting partners grant granting partners

Approve new stores

Any partner can apply for a new store, also existing store owners

Decide on new stores, approve

Content for stores

Provide basic range of products, case studies, milestones and tools for stores

Define products, milestones, tools, case studies for your store - in line with purpose and Code of Conduct

Stores Cycles

Ensure store owners comply with store agreement. Share consolidated results within the network

Provide feedback on store activities and store revenue to the network champ(s)

Network accounting

Network champs ensure financial transparency

Network activities

Share activities with granting partners

Share summary of partners on a quarterly basis

Financial contribution to network resources

Provide PWYW for each store to network

Deciding on how to spend network revenue

Revenue from store cycles (incl. granting partners) and other revenue: Decide on expenditures in line with BrainStore's Purpose, Code of Conduct, and the current network roadmap

Investments from Partners linked to Network Cycles: decide on how to spend the funds and share with the network

Invest resources for the network

Any partner can invest time for the network, share information with the Granting Partners

Share consolidated information with network

Summarize information on a quarterly basis


Partners report to their granting partner (not formal)

Report to the network after each cycle

Report to the network champs and/or network after their initiative cycle

Answer regularly the questonnaire from network champ including financial flow

Answer regularly the questonnaire from network champ including financial flow - full transparency

* Decision-making processes: find them here
** Resources = Knowhow, money, time

Version 1.0 – Approved on 12 June 2020