Agile working - avoiding the trilemma

To avoid the trilemma you need to pick two of the three following parameters: time, resources and scope


Pick scope and time: keep the resources flexible

This option only works if you have unlimited resources and the scope is defined with a set of specs. This option can lead to a high level of team anxiety and random consequences - often the resources used, exceed the resources you originally had in mind. This can lead to resources not available for other topics.

Pick scope and resources: keep time flexible

This option is good for ongoing work without critical deadlines. You know what you want, you make use of available resources and there are no critical deadlines. This can work for tasks were the deadlines don't matter, there are no critical dependencies.

Pick time and resources: keep scope flexible

This option is ideal if you work in cycles - if provides a high level of reliability for all involved and leads to a steep learning curve of everyone involved. It's ideal in BrainStore's project environment.

Pick time and resources: keep scope flexible (BrainStore projects)

Defining the minimal scope

If you want to set time and resources and keep the scope flexible you first need to set the minimal scope. Ideally, the minimal scope is ridiculously low. And the minimal scope is in line with BrainStore's purpose: the customer is delighted and the team has a good time.

Criteria for the minimal scope:

  • At the end of the cycle you have shippable results
  • Ideally, you list the critical parameters (let's say 3 - 6) and define the minimal scope for all parameters
  • Important: Everyone feels very comfortable with the minimal scope - the experienced, the optimists, the cautious, fearful, newbies, and skeptics.

Discussing, negotiating minimal scope within a team is also great for know-how transfer regarding the "how" to do it: e.g. "Did you know it's possible to do it this way" or "Have you seen the tutorials for this?".

Freeze the parameters

Once the team has agreed on the minimal scope, time, and resources these parameters are frozen and should not be renegotiated during the cycle. Every modification has consequences and it's no longer guaranteed that the team could commit.

Ways to expand the minimal scope

  • Expand minimal scope in the defined areas and increase customer delight
  • Expand scope by simplifying work during the cycle
  • Expand scope by documenting/improving documentation
  • Expand scope by transferring now how during the cycle