Idea Machine Software

The Idea Machine Software provides the online platform to cover the entire content creation process with the Idea machine, starting with the briefing all through the road map.

Tools include

  • Amassing
  • Discovery
  • Like
  • Criteria Scan
  • Refinement
  • Idea Selection
  • Road map design

The BrainStore Idea Machine Software is the ideal catalyst for content creation. All building blocks of the Idea Machine can be simply accessed via the tool, which is provided as Software as a Service (SaaS).

BrainStore's Idea Machine Process

BrainStore's process to create great ideas at the push of a button.
Goal: a great set of ideas

Amassing phase

During the amassing phase, users answer a set of questions - all relating to the project's topic. Live test here.

Discovery phase

During the discovery phase, users answer see all the results from the amassing phase - and discover good ideas. All ideas get a title and description. Users can freely scroll through four areas. Live test here.

Like phase

During the like phase, participants can indicate which ideas they like. Ideas are presented in a random order to prevent sequence bias. Live test here.

Criteria Scan - community inputs

Run a criteria scan instead of having endless discussions... Live tool here.

Idea Selection

Participants get to see a selection of top ideas - ideally with a visual - can provide a rating - and comment on the idea. You can also ask for involvement. Live test here.